Thursday, January 27, 2011


If you know me I am sure it is no secret that I love animals, especially dogs. 

Our first dog, Tumbles, was with us from before I was born until we moved in 1989.  I don't remember much of him, but I'm sure I liked pulling his tail and other things little children do to pets.  Soon after we moved into our new house we got Spiffy, an american eskimo, or spitz.  She was my childhood dog.  I loved her so very much.  She was a part of our family.  She saw everything, knew everything, accepted what I'm sure was torture to her when I was young, and was still there to wag her tail when I would come home for a visit from college.  She was incredibly lovable.  I'm honestly not sure I had yet experienced anything so heartbreaking when she died.  I didn't want to go home without her in the house because it was a strange and almost uncomfortable feeling.  This was a reality check of just how much of a dog person I was - I felt the need to have a dog in the house.

Within a year my mom got another dog, Corky.  A couple years later my dad got a dog as well, Maggie.  In that time frame my now sister-in-law got a puppy, Pongo, and when they moved to Denver they got another dog, Perdi.  So I had several dogs in my life!!  My last year in college I was even blessed to have Pearl, my roommate's dog, in our house.  So when I moved into my apartment and got a job I knew I wouldn't be able to last too long without a dog.  It was high on my list, but I wanted to make sure I got the right dog for me and for my lifestyle.  I wouldn't have lasted near as long without all these other dogs in my life!  After a year, I found him.  I had been looking off and on but was finally ready to get serious about adopting in the fall.  I had asked about one dog that was online but she was already taken by the time I found her.  Within that week I found George online as well.  I thought, well, he's not exactly what I was looking for and he could be cuter, but he sounds like a pretty great dog.  I adopted George from a shelter south of Emporia on November 6th and couldn't be happier.  He is such a great little dog.

George brings even more joy into my life.  There is nothing better than seeing a tail wagging when you get home from work every day.  Dogs never fail you, they never judge you, they only know to love you.  They even seem to forget that you've left them in their kennel all day, or all night.  Forgiveness is immediate.  I can't imagine how people couldn't be dog lovers.  I can't imagine where they would get this feeling from!  However, I am sure this all sounds strange to someone who is not a dog lover. 

Cheesy or not, George has reminded me just how much I am capable of loving and just how big my heart can be.  He brings pure joy and goodness into my life every single day.  It brightens my day to see him run around in circles in excitement to see me, to see him zoom around the living room chasing himself, to throw his toys in the air, or to see him hop around outside in the snow.  Although I have always loved dogs, to have George be my very own dog that I am his one "master" is a whole new feeling.  After a long hard day he helps to keep things in perspective.  Even after a great day he just makes it end perfectly.  I love him so much and I can't even begin to imagine how much love will overflow from me if I am ever blessed with children of my own. 

I'm sure it sounds crazy, he's just a dog after all!!  If you are like me, though, I am sure you can understand.  There is nothing like the unconditional love of a dog, especially your dog.

We long for an affection altogether ignorant of our faults.  Heaven has accorded this to us in the uncritical canine attachment.  ~George Eliot

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I figured I should write my first blog describing the title. 

I first took the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory in high school.  I think I have taken it a total of 5 times since then.  I believe I was first an INFP and switched to an INFJ.  I have always enjoyed personality type tests because they give you some sort of insight into the differences that exist between people.  Whether spot on or just partially insightful, I believe each test can help you grow.  It is important to know yourself, but just as important to understand other personality types and how they connect with your own.

Go here to learn more about the MBTI:

INFJ = Introversion, INtuition, Feeling, Judging.  I like the idea that this is the most rare type!  I am strongly on the Introversion side of the scale, pretty far on the feeling side, and closer to the middle on the intuition and judging scales. 

This description is pretty accurate.
"But the INFJ is as genuinely warm as they are complex. INFJs hold a special place in the heart of people who they are close to, who are able to see their special gifts and depth of caring. INFJs are concerned for people's feelings, and try to be gentle to avoid hurting anyone. They are very sensitive to conflict, and cannot tolerate it very well. Situations which are charged with conflict may drive the normally peaceful INFJ into a state of agitation or charged anger. They may tend to internalize conflict into their bodies, and experience health problems when under a lot of stress.
Because the INFJ has such strong intuitive capabilities, they trust their own instincts above all else. This may result in an INFJ stubborness and tendency to ignore other people's opinions. They believe that they're right. On the other hand, INFJ is a perfectionist who doubts that they are living up to their full potential. INFJs are rarely at complete peace with themselves - there's always something else they should be doing to improve themselves and the world around them. They believe in constant growth, and don't often take time to revel in their accomplishments. They have strong value systems, and need to live their lives in accordance with what they feel is right. In deference to the Feeling aspect of their personalities, INFJs are in some ways gentle and easy going. Conversely, they have very high expectations of themselves, and frequently of their families. They don't believe in compromising their ideals."

Some of my favorite famous INFJs -
Mother Teresa
Marting Luther King Jr.
Billy Crystal
Nelson Mandela
Mel Gibson
Nicole Kidman
Jerry Seinfeld

Wikipedia never lets me down.  Another good description:
"INFJs have a rich, vivid inner life, which they may be reluctant to share with those around them. Nevertheless, they are congenial in their interactions, and perceptive of the emotions of others. Generally well-liked by their peers, they may often be considered close friends and confidants by most other types. However, they are guarded in expressing their own feelings, especially to new people, and so tend to establish close relationships slowly. INFJs tend to be easily hurt, though they may not reveal this except to their closest companions. INFJs may "silently withdraw as a way of setting limits", rather than expressing their wounded feelings—a behavior that may leave others confused and upset."

Maybe this can help you to understand me a little better.  If you know what you are leave me a comment!  I think these descriptions can help us better understand each other and thus improve communications. 


Hi there!

I have been wanting to start another blog since I got back from Australia.  That was July 2007.  It is January 2010.  So I thought it was about time!  My goal is really just to have a place to jot some things down that run through my head all the time.  Whether serious or silly, spontaneous or well thought out, I hope you enjoy learning and growing with me.  Discussion will be encouraged!

Cheers to a new adventure!