Sunday, March 27, 2011

PB & J

A peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  One of life's simple pleasures.  Not only are they easy and cheap to make, but they actually taste delicious and are not terrible for you.  You loved them as a child and continue to love them in adulthood.  Sometimes it is dinner because I am lazy, while sometimes it really is what I crave. 

Now here comes the interesting part...Creamy or crunchy?  Jelly or jam? 

I think most everyone has a clear, strong preference on both of these questions.  Personally, I'm a proponent of creamy pb and grape jam.  I guess I should call it a peanut butter and jam sandwich.  I also tend to prefer a good whole grain wheat bread with slightly more peanut butter than jam. 

Creamy peanut butter smells delicious.  It looks delicious.  It spreads so easily.  I especially love natural creamy peanut butter.  I don't want chunks in there, I don't want to work to eat my peanut butter. 

Grape jam is a pure classic.  Grape is the only flavor to go with for a peanut butter and jam sandwich.  Jelly is just lumpy.  You have to almost "cut" it up to spread it evenly.  Jam spreads smoothly and evenly.  It tastes more natural.  I'm not sure why jelly would be preferred for any occasion.  (I will give you preserves, strawberry is my favorite, for toast or biscuits.) 

Peanut butter and jam sandwiches are made better cut in half.  Potato chips are a common choice of side, but apple sauce, carrots, peas, cucumbers, an apple, and pasta or potato salad are also some of my favorites.  It is best washed down with a cold glass of milk or pop.  Childish though it may seem, the peanut butter and jam sandwich is a classic that will always be satisfying. 

Please let me know what your preferences are.  It is interesting to see other's habits.     

Friday, March 11, 2011

Travel Bug

I am in a writing mood tonight!

One huge love of mine: TRAVEL

I believe travel to be a very broad term.  To me, it encompasses adventure, and what is life without adventure?!  Travel can mean going to the other side of town you never venture to, or going around the world to an exotic remote location. 

Travel has always been important to me.  As a child my family always took summer vacations.  I was incredibly lucky to see so much of the United States growing up.  I treasure those memories, even the long car rides with two annoying brothers.  High school provided me the opportunity to see London and Paris.  One of the best decisions of my life led me to study in Australia.  This was where the travel bug really bit me hard.  While in Australia for five months, I was able to make it to every state and territory.  We spent much of our time seeing the country.  Ever since returning I feel the need to go somewhere much more often - at least once a month! 

I enjoy travel by plane, by boat, by train, by bus, or by car.  I enjoy travel with friends, with family, and even by myself.  College made saving money for travel difficult but I had plenty of time for it.  Now it has become much easier to save but more difficult to take the time!  I have become better with long weekend travel and local travel.  My belief is that taking yourself out of your comfort zone and putting yourself in new surroundings is necessary for growth and excitement in your life.  While this can mean trying a new restaurant or taking a new route to work, a trip to somewhere farther from home is sure to put you in a new state of mind - literally and figuratively.  :) 

My hope is to be able to continue my passion for seeing the world, one small corner at a time, throughout my life.  It is one thing that is on my mind most every day.  The prospect of travel brings me excitement and joy no matter how short or close my trip may be.  Maybe we can travel together some day, near or far.  I think it brings those taking the trip so much closer by experiencing the travel together.  New light, new perspective is often found through travel.  However, an important note must be made that travel is perhaps most fully enjoyed with a wide open mind and spirit.  I try to always have both. 

The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.  ~St. Augustine

The traveler sees what he sees.  The tourist sees what he has come to see.  ~G.K. Chesterton

Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.  ~Seneca