Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Simple Joys

With all the stresses of normal life, it is often difficult to remember the simple joys.  Those small things that bring us the purest joy.  I strive to keep these things at the forefront of my thoughts so they don't pass me by when they are kind enough to come my way.  I know I don't always fully appreciate these moments.  Hopefully we can all help each other stay more aware of them.  Feel free to leave me a comment with your additions to the list.  :)
  • Driving down a tree-lined street, the kind where the trees from either side meet above you.
  • Climbing into bed with clean sheets after a shower
  • A child running towards you for a hug
  • Unexpected calls from friends and family just to say hello
  • Getting cards in the mail
  • The clean fresh smell after the rain
  • The wag of your dog's tail
  • Watching someone's face light up in response to a thoughtful surprise or gift
  • Getting the perfect nacho
  • The satisfaction of accomplishing something you worked hard for
  • The warmth of a blanket
  • Saving more than you spend at the store
  • An encouraging word
  • Helping someone learn - anything
  • Hearing the right song at the right time
  • Finding something you thought you lost
  • Feeling strong emotion and remembering what we're capable of
  • Receiving a compliment, and giving a compliment
  • Unexpected laughs, even better than just plain laughs
  • Someone recognizing something in you that not everyone does
  • Enjoying the beauty of Earth
  • Capturing an awesome moment on ""film" (or an SD card now)
  • Finishing a good book
These are just a few reminders.  It seems harder for us to focus on the good things.  It takes lots of practice to remember how blessed we are, and how little it takes to bring a smile.


  1. The smell of fresh baked bread or brownies or cookies or pie or.....YUM!
    The feel of softness of a baby's skin.
    The sound of a distant train whistle.

  2. the smile on my son's face when I walk in the front door

  3. Those are great! Thanks for sharing.
