Sunday, March 27, 2011

PB & J

A peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  One of life's simple pleasures.  Not only are they easy and cheap to make, but they actually taste delicious and are not terrible for you.  You loved them as a child and continue to love them in adulthood.  Sometimes it is dinner because I am lazy, while sometimes it really is what I crave. 

Now here comes the interesting part...Creamy or crunchy?  Jelly or jam? 

I think most everyone has a clear, strong preference on both of these questions.  Personally, I'm a proponent of creamy pb and grape jam.  I guess I should call it a peanut butter and jam sandwich.  I also tend to prefer a good whole grain wheat bread with slightly more peanut butter than jam. 

Creamy peanut butter smells delicious.  It looks delicious.  It spreads so easily.  I especially love natural creamy peanut butter.  I don't want chunks in there, I don't want to work to eat my peanut butter. 

Grape jam is a pure classic.  Grape is the only flavor to go with for a peanut butter and jam sandwich.  Jelly is just lumpy.  You have to almost "cut" it up to spread it evenly.  Jam spreads smoothly and evenly.  It tastes more natural.  I'm not sure why jelly would be preferred for any occasion.  (I will give you preserves, strawberry is my favorite, for toast or biscuits.) 

Peanut butter and jam sandwiches are made better cut in half.  Potato chips are a common choice of side, but apple sauce, carrots, peas, cucumbers, an apple, and pasta or potato salad are also some of my favorites.  It is best washed down with a cold glass of milk or pop.  Childish though it may seem, the peanut butter and jam sandwich is a classic that will always be satisfying. 

Please let me know what your preferences are.  It is interesting to see other's habits.     

1 comment:

  1. Not even sure why jelly exists. It's more work to make a lesser product. Creamy all the way. Gotta go strawberry jam though. Skippy PB though I'm intrigued by Reeses.
